Grief Resources During COVID-19

The English-language anime fandom is still reeling from the loss of Zac Bertschy, an anchoring member of Anime News Network for over a decade and a supporter of this site from its earliest days. Zac was a firm believer in the importance of spotlighting marginalized voices, and he will be greatly missed. Both Amelia and Caitlin gave small personal tributes to him on Twitter, and there will be more information in tomorrow’s Links post.

For those wishing to make donations in his memory, his surviving loved ones have suggested both the Glendale Humane Society and the Trevor Project.

While we know it is a small thing, we wanted to make a small list of resources for those struggling with grief and other forms of stress during these times of horrifying loss and uncertainty. In light of the recent tragic death of young star Kimura Hana, we have also included mental health resources. We also encourage you to use the comments section to offer any resources you have found effective, or simply to voice any fears or concerns you might have.

Be safe, Catchcostume.

Grief in Common

Covid Grief Network

Center for Grief Recovery and Therapeutic Resources: Helpful Websites for Grieving

The National Alliance of Mental Illness’ COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide

Suicide Prevention Hotline